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Helping Women Reclaim Their Wild Through Empowered Feminine Health

You deserve to feel energized, empowered and vibrant. Knowing how to revitalize your pelvic health gives you a solid start on this journey to empowered healthcare.
Grab a copy of my free guide, 5 Tips to Take Back Your Pelvic Health, to get started today!

Find Your Pack.
Reclaim Your Wild.

You deserve empowered ownership over your healthcare and a community with shared experience to help you find it. 

Does This Sound Familiar?

You are tired of the menstrual discomfort, back pain and endless irritations that we assume are a natural part of being a woman
You don't participate fully in the activities and lifestyle you love because you are always in search of a bathroom or struggle with incontinence.
Your life lacks intimacy and relationships are strained because sex is painful or isn't enjoyable anymore.
You constantly feel anxious, stressed and overwhelmed and it is showing up in you body as tension, illness and fatigue.
You deserve to have specific and accurate education to inform your decisions.

Understanding your unique female body and all of its superpowers will unlock the tools you need to finally regain control of your health.
You deserve to feel energized, empowered and vibrant.

Take back your power and eliminate the stress and overwhelm that has been stopping you from prioritizing yourself and your health.
You deserve to have passionate relationships and feel powerful in your own skin.

Take control of what is at your fingertips to change your life and your wellness to give you more pleasure, confidence and passion.
I am a physiotherapist speciailizing in pelvic health, a community educator, a passionate women's health advocate and a mother of two. I am also the founder and director of Body Co, a collaborative multi-disciplinary health clinic as well as the founder of community health initiatives includingThe Teen Collective, The Thrive Pregnancy Project and a facilitator of The Wild Collective.

I maintain a practice in West Toronto with a special focus on helping women use health as a vehicle to empower the best versions of themselves through the life cycle.
I believe that when women have their health, their potential is limitless. I am passionate about helping women simplify yet optimize their uniquely feminine health to chase down their dreams and reclaim their wild. By doing this in connection with other likeminded women, we don't just empower women live their life with energy and purpose, we change the narrative of women's health.
As a women's health advocate and mother, I understand that women are our primary health decision makers. When we give them back their health, we raise the collective wellness of our families and communities.

Begin the Journey of Reclaiming Your Wild by Reclaiming Your Pelvic Health

I'm on a mission to spread my knowledge like wildfire and help others like you.

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